
220天前 · 想法 · 56次阅读

Basic properties of R

  • Archimedean Property

    • dense of Q in R: always can find a rational number between two real numbers
    • step functions
  • least upper/greatest lower bound property

    • one concludes the another
    • min and max
  • Trigonometric Inequality

    • use in limit proof
  • irrational numbers

    • proof of irrationality of square roots
    • proof of existence of natural number-th root of positive real number

Sequence and Series

  • Sequence

    • recursive definition

      • techniques
    • Convergence

      • limit definition

        • negation
      • limit conservative theorem/squeeze theorem
      • Operational rules of limit
      • boundedness and convergence
      • Monotonic Convergence Theorem
      • convergence of subsequence

        • Nk >= K
        • all subsequences are convergent iff convergent
      • Nested interval theorem
      • Cauchy Sequnce

        • a sequence is cauchy iff it is convergent

          • a->b: construction of subsequence/boundedness of cauchy sequence
          • b->a:TI
          • cauchy iff limSup = limInf
        • cauchy sequence are bounded
        • applications

          • approximation
          • real numbers are limits of cauchy sequences

            • definition of real exponents
        • the negation
    • LimInf/ LimSup

      • Necessary Condition of Existence
      • Construction of an and bn

        • monotonicity of an/bn
        • convergence of an/bn
      • Construction of subsequence that converge to A/B

        • necessary condition: bounded

          • B-W theorem: all bounded sequences have a convergent subsequence
        • technique

          • |Ank-a|<1/k
        • conclusions

          • weaker limit conservative theorem(very useful)
  • Series

    • convergence tests

      • Cauchy's Criterion
      • necessary: an goes to 0
      • comparison test

        • absolute convergence indicates convergence
        • greater than 0 and bounded by the bigger term\, by MCT\, convergent
      • root test(limSup)

        • a<1\, a>1 are informative. a ->infinity is not
      • ratio tests(limSup)

        • a<1 is informative only
        • if liminf >1\, diverge
    • power series

      • radius of convergence
      • e

        • series definition

          • irrationality
        • limit definition

          • limit conservative theorem
    • Convergence of summation by parts

      • alternating series test
    • Convergence of catchy's Product

      • one abs converge/ one converge
    • Convergence of rearrangement

      • converge to original value if abs converge

        • gema(n) converge to +infinity

Point-set Topology

  • set theory

    • finite/infinite
    • countable/uncountable

      • Z\, Q are countable
      • union of countable set is countable
      • bijection to N
    • definition of section and union

      • sequence of set

        • union and intersection: definition
  • points

    • definitions

      • neighborhood definition
      • limit
      • boundary
      • exterior
      • interior
      • adherent
    • relations
  • named sets(metric)

    • axioms of distant function

      • 同一

        • d(x\,y) = 0 <-> x= y
      • 对称
      • 三角
    • open/close sets
    • bounded/unbounded set
    • dense set in Metric space

      • Q is dense in R by (AP)
    • compact sets

      • definition of open cover

        • for mark a of each subset\, a can belong to a uncountable set
      • compact sets are closed

        • by picking r(x) < d(x\,p)/2
      • compact sets are bounded

        • use all neighbors of each element to construct an open cover
      • closed subset of a compact set is compact

        • (A^c U open cover of A ) is an open cover of X
      • H-B theorem: for a subset of R^n\, it closed and bounded iff it is compact
      • techniques involved: chose Nr(p) for p in A
    • connected/disconnected set

      • polygon theorem
      • a real interval is connected

        • connected subset of R is an interval
      • non-empty open disjoints


  • epsilon-delta definition in metric space

    • must converge to values in the metric space(range)
  • convergence criterion of general metric space

    • construct sequence that converge
    • from general space to R^k\, k>=2
    • from R^k to R (partial convergence)
  • continuity

    • definition: limit points involved
    • open/closed set and continuity

      • reverse image of open/closed subset of continuous function
    • connected set and continuity

      • intermediate value theorem
    • compact set and continuity

      • extreme value theorem
    • uniform continuity

      • continuity and uniform continuity
      • uniform continuity and boundedness

        • uniformly conti in (a\,b) -> bounded
      • compactness and uniform continuity

        • continuous & compact domain -> uniformly continuous
    • discontinuity

      • side-limit

        • side limit and monotonicity

          • existence of side limit

            • monotonic: both exist
          • monotonic: convert to Sup and Inf
          • inequality of x\, y

            • set of dis continuity is at most countable

              • (AP)/D injective to S\, S injective to Q
      • two types of discontinuity

        • first kind: two side-limits both exist
        • second kind: not both exist


  • derivative

    • operational
    • geometric

      • interpretation: error decreases faster than variable
    • differentiable and continuous

      • tools: linear inequality
    • local extrema

      • def: delta language
      • interior + differentiable: derivative=0

        • tool: limit conservative theorem
    • MVT

      • condition: 1)continuous on [a\,b] 2)differentiable on (a\,b)
      • tools: 1) Extreme value theorem 2) Construction of single variable function
      • conclusions

        • f(a)-f(b)=(a-b)f'(x)

          • monotonicity iff derivative has fixed sign

            • condition: open interval\, differentiable
        • constant iff derivative =0
        • R to R^k type : inequality

          • tools: 1) EVT 2) Construction 3) Cauchy's inequality
    • injection and derivative

      • f'(x) = 0: f is injective
  • L'Hospital's Rule

    • tools: MVT\, injection\, LCT
    • condition

      • existence of lim(f'/g')= L (can belong to R or infinity)
      • f\, g differentiable on (a\,b)
      • g'(x) \!= 0
    • two cases

      • lim f(x)=0\, lim g(x)=0
      • lim g(x) = infinity
    • conclusion

      • lim (f/g)(x) = L
  • Taylor's Formula

    • tools:
  • discontinuity of derivative

    • special property: another version of Intermediate value
    • discontinuous => second type

Rhimann Integral

  • conditions

    • defined on closed interval
  • inequality

    • U(P\, f) >= L(P\, f)
    • inf U >= sup L

      • taking common refinement
    • f> g - > integration aslo true
    • upper/ lower bound inequality
  • operational rules

    • f+g over I

      • sup(A+B)<= SupA + SupB/ infA+B < = infA + infB
    • (f over I1) + (f over I2) = f over (I1 U I2)

      • taking refinement of single point and P
    • f in R([a\, b]) -> |f| in R([a\, b])

      • Sup f - Inf f >= Sup |f| - Inf |f|
    • f in R([a\, b]) -> f^2 in R([a\, b])

      • EVT\, |f|<=M\, Sup f - Inf f >= Sup |f| - Inf |f|
    • f\, g in R([a\, b]) -> f*g in R([a\, b])

      • fg = 1/2(f+g)^2 + 1/2(f-g)^2
    • integrate by parts

      • condition

        • f(u(x))
        • u' and f are integrable
        • u is strictly increasing
      • conclusion: the validity of integration by parts
      • tool

        • distance interpretation
        • bridge between two denotations
  • MVT for integration

    • tools

      • IVT

        • f(x) should be continuous
      • construction for g(x) involving upper/lower bound

        • EVT
  • integrability and

    • difference
    • sequence of partition

      • f in R([a\, b]) -> exist (Pn) in Pa\,b s.t limit converge to Riemann integration
    • monotonicity

      • monotone -> Riemann integrable

        • taking uniform partiton
    • continuity

      • defined on compact set (closed interval) -> uniform continuity

        • taking Unif partition with length smaller than delta
    • differentiability

      • construction of integration funtion

        • continuity complement
        • uniform continuity of F(x)

          • by Lipschitz function\, taking k = sup f
      • condition: f conti at x

        • connection between domain and f
        • other wise F is not necessarily differentiable
      • tool: MVT for integration

        • |c- x| < delta by theorem
  • FTC

    • anti derivative.of a continuous function is the integration

      • attention: still holds if f have some 1st type discontinuities

Sequence and Series of functions

  • point-wise convergence
  • uniform convergence

    • def and negation
    • unif convergent(necessary) =>

      • every sequence
      • norm of uniform convergence->0
      • continuous f at x

        • if fn(x) is conti at x for all n
      • interchange of limit sign
      • cauchy for every x
      • calculus

        • integration

          • condition: fn(x) riemann integrable for all n
          • conclusion

            • interchange of limit and integrate

              • integrate term by term if sum function Sn(x) is unif convergent
          • tool

            • construct the norm of uniform convergence to be epsilon(n)
        • differentiation

          • condition(fn(x) needn't be known to be unif convergent)

            • at least one point-wise convergence
            • fn(x) is differentiable for all n
            • derivative of fn(x) is uniform convergent
          • conclusion

            • fn - > f uniformly
            • f'n - > f' uniformly
            • differentiation term by term
          • tools

            • MVT
            • goal: to show quotient converges uniformly
            • step1 show fn converges unif

              • f'n converge point wise
            • step2 f'n converges unif
    • valid conditions for unif convergence(sufficient)

      • Weierstrass M test

        • only for series
      • every sequence
      • cauchy for every x
      • norm of uniform convergence
  • complete matrix space

    • complete if every cauchy sequence in it is convergent to a point in that set

      • contraction theorem for unique fixed point
  • power series

    • power series and uniform convergence
    • Weirstrass approximation

      • condition

        • f is continuous on [a\,b](compact set)
      • conclusion

        • there exists a sequence of polynomial functions that uniformly converges to f
  • Ascoli's Theorem

    • condition

      • compact domain
      • uniformly bounded
      • uniformly equicontinuous(equicontinuous would be enough\, uniformity given by compactness)
    • conclusion

      • there is a uniformly convergent subsequence of (fn(x))
    • steps

      • 1. existence of a countable subset of Domain on which there is a uniformly convergent subsequence

        • W-B thm: existence of convergent subsequence
        • diagonal argument
      • 2. point-wise convergence of that subsequence on the WHOLE Domain

        • compactness: finite open subcover with radius < delta
        • TI
      • 3. uniformity of that subsequence on the whole Domain

        • finite set -> existence of max(Si)

differentiation of multi-variable functions

  • definition of Differential of a function(Jacobean matrix)

    • dimension match: f: n -> m \, Df in n*m
    • cauchy inequality for matrix product
  • differentiability

    • original definition
    • a sufficient condition(for R^n to R functions)

      • Df is continuous
    • continuously differentiable

      • original : each entry is continuous
      • matrix norm

        • epsilon-delta
  • Chain rule

    • condition

      • both functions are differentiable at certain point
    • conclusion

      • differentiable at that point
      • D(g(f(a))) = Df(a)*Dg(f(a))
  • MVT(general case)

    • condition

      • convex domain

        • euclidian space
        • balls in R^n are convex
      • bounded differential
    • conclusion

      • f is lipschiz in D
    • use definition of convexity\, can change the domain to [0\,1]\, then apply MVT(inequality) for R -> R^n
  • inverse function theorem

    • condition

      • Df(x) invertible at a
      • f is C1
    • conclusion

      • there is an open ball U centered at a s.t. f is bijective on U and f^-1(x):= g(x) is C1 on f(U)
      • can apply chain rule to get Dg(f(a))
    • steps

      • 1. construct a radius and a certain function (involving fixed point) s.t. the function is a contraction on the ball of the radius(bijectivity of U )
      • 2. to show f(U) is open. still need the fixed point function
      • 3. differentiability of f -> differentiability of g
      • 4. continuity of Df + bijectivity: continuity of Dg

        • shaky
  • implicit function theorem

    • condition

      • f(a\,b) =0
      • Dxf(a\,b) invertible
    • conclusion

      • 1. there exist an open set W\, a function g s.t. all y in W\, there is a unique x s.t g(y) =x and f(x\,y)=0
      • 2. g is C1
      • Dg(b) = -Dyf(a\,b)(Dxf(a\,b))^-1
    • key: complete a new function to make it square\!
    • if f(a\,b)=0 and Dxf(a\,b) invertible\, then x can be solved uniquely around y=b with small enough r/ y can be solved around x=a if Dy(a\,b) invertible
  • differentiation across integral sign

    • condition

      • the partial derivative is uniformly continuous on an interval(including s)
      • D2f(x\,s) exist for all x
    • conclusion

      • a new uniform continuity

        • continuous-> discrete -> continuous
      • interchanging of integral and differentiating sign
  • higher order derivative

    • condition

      • all second partial derivatives are continuous\, i\,e. f is C2
    • conclusion

      • D12f = D21 f
    • key: double MVT

      • two differences + order of limit
  • quadratic approximation for Rn to R function

    • condition: C2 function
    • conclusion: existence of remaining quadratic form
    • application: second derivative test

      • supportive definition: definite positive/negative/ indefinite
  • lagrange multiplier method

    • condition: two C1 functions(constraint\, target)\, existence of constrained extrema
    • conclusion: parallel relationship of derivative at a
    • tool: use implicit function theorem with constraint function

integration of functions of several variables

  • jordan measure

    • def
    • zero measure theorem

      • equivalent condition for zero measure domain
      • continuous function over zero measure boundary domain is integrable
    • differentiable surface

      • image of C1 function from small space's compact subset to large space
      • differentiable surface has zero measure boundary
  • fubini's theorem

    • condition

      • rectangle
      • riemann integrable
      • partially integrable
    • conclusion

      • double integral equals riemann integration
      • change of integrating order
      • double integral in general domain
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  1. DavidYR 217天前

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